22 Nov 2013

Take a screen shot from a video

If you play a video on a Windows PC you can't take a screen shot. Press Print Screen won't give you anything. If you use Greenshot or other screen shot utilities, again you'll get nothing, just a black screen! Then I came across the solution. I'm using VLC Media Player and I noticed it actually has a built-in screen shot function!

In VLC Media Player, play your film, press pause at the screen you want to capture.

Click Video | Take Snapshot

An image file (PNG) will be saved in your My Pictures folder. 

Change the default save location
To change the default save location click Tools | Preferences

Click Video and change the 'Video snapshots' Directory (click Browse to select a folder)

Click Save

For this change to take effect you must close VLC Media Player and re-open it.

19 Nov 2013

Excel 2010 - Add times together (duration)

I had a number of videos of varying duration. I wanted to find out if I watched all the videos one after another, how long they'd all take. I needed to sum the duration of the videos. At first I put the values in Excel in the format mm:ss (minute:second) but Excel didn't like that. I found that it works if you enter the times as hh:mm:ss (hour:minute:second).


Enter the values hh:mm:ss - even if your values are shorter than one hour, as mine are, make sure you enter them as shown here with a preceding 00.

Select all the cells including an extra one, this will be the total.

Format the cells as Time (as shown in the above screen shot).

Click in the empty cell at the bottom and click AutoSum

You should end up with something similar to the following:

More help?

18 Nov 2013

Roman Numerals

I sometimes get annoyed by Roman Numerals, I can't remember the higher numbers for some reason. The following web page has an explanation and also a converter:

Keyboard Shortcuts

I wanted to find a list of keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word 2010, after some searching I found this very nice website: http://www.shortcutworld.com/en/win/Word_2010.html
Shortcut World
It also has shortcuts for many other applications including Linux and Mac: http://www.shortcutworld.com/

17 Nov 2013

Convert a date to the Persian calendar (or to another calendar)

Do you need to convert a date to the Persian calendar? I found this very good website that's easy to use, just enter the date or click the Today button:

It also converts to other calendars too, such as Hebrew, Mayan, etc.