4 Feb 2020

Windows 10 - Clipboard History

Normally every time you copy something to the clipboard (press Ctrl-C) it overrides the previous thing you copied. However, in Windows 10 you can turn on a feature called Clipboard History where it stores each clipboard copy (each time you press Ctrl-C).

First you'll need to turn on this feature:

Click Start, Settings (the gear icon)
Type "clipboard" and select Clipboard Settings

Near the top you'll see Clipboard history - click to enable it (turn it on)

Now press Windows Key and V and you'll see the following:

Here's an example of it in use. I have Notepad open, I wrote two lines and copied them separately. I pressed Windows Key and V and I can see the two copied pieces of text. They are stored separately in my clipboard. I can reuse each piece of text individually. 

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